Friday, November 3, 2023

Irving Art Association Newsletter November 2023

The IAA Newsletter is posted each month with information about art related events of interest to the IAA membership. Also, watch this space for useful tips for practicing artists, member spot lights and more.  

Events happening in November 2023 at IAA

Holiday Fair: Saturday November 11, 10am to 5 pm.
A One day only art and craft fair. Come and join us to support the local artists and their original handmade creations!

Camp Giggles: Saturday November 18, 10 am to 1 pm. Come and paint leaves with us! For ages 10 to 15 accompanied by an adult. Free and supplies included.

Upcoming Events - December

For information on regularly scheduled and upcoming events, please visit the following links:

Exhibitions in the East Gallery

Exhibitions in the West Gallery

Planned Workshops

Member news - IAA members outside workshops, shows etc.

Community Art related events (not organized by IAA but share the information) - check out their Exhibits - Visual Arts Guild of Frisco - Southwest Watercolor Society

We thank all the members for supporting the IAA. If you are not already a member, consider becoming one to enjoy fee discounts for workshops, free art demo's, free exhibit space and many volunteer opportunities. 

Happy Painting.

IAA Newsletter Team.

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